Get to Know Nick

Welcome! Nick Lauretani is a multi-media creator based out of Toronto, ON. He’s currently studying Media Communications at Humber College. He has always loved the world of media and technology.

With finishing up his final semester, he plans to continue receiving his education in the Digital Communications Degree program at Guelph-Humber beginning in Fall 2021.

His main passions include Videography, Photography, and Graphic/Digital Design.

Nick really enjoys the video editing and post-production process. When he was younger, art was always his favourite class and as he began using a professional DSLR camera, he fell in love with photography. His favourite forms include portrait, landscape and travel photography. Graphic design plays to his artistic nature. This is accomplished by the use of multiple digital design applications which allows the creation of unique and influential artistic expression.

Nick’s goal is to become a digital creator, combining each of the above areas to deliver multiple communication vehicles, benefiting both future employers and also to serve his personal passion to evolve as a social influencer.

Get in Touch!

t. 289.921.0223
